


Overarching Objective: To educate students, educators, and the public on the scientific attributes and societal benefits of the ICESat-2 Mission.


  1. To promote the future of the ICESat-2 mission as an integral part of NASA’s Earth-observing fleet of satellites.
  2. To develop and sustain mission education and outreach activities through leveraging of historically-successful national and international education programs.
  3. To encourage students and educators to use ICESat-2 data, resources, and teaching supplements to learn how the polar region plays a vital part in regulating our global climate system.
  4. To include ICESat-2 education as part of a wider multi-mission education effort in the Earth Sciences.

Lead Organizations

Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)




The ICESat-2 EPO team is working with the National Institute of Aerospace in the creation of NASA eClips videos for Grades K-12.

  1. The Our World (Grades K-4) eClips video will highlight the ICESat-2 mission and describe the differerence between North Pole and South Pole, ice sheets and sea ice and why NASA studies them.
  2. The Real World (Grades 5-8) eClips video will highlight the ICESat-2 mission and laser altimetry and how NASA uses this data.
  3. The Launchpad (Grades 9-12) eClips video will highlight the ICESat-2 mission technology and the engineering behind the laser altimeter.

The ICESat-2 EPO team is also establishing a partnership with The Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon and Disney Research in Pittsburgh, to develop and produce effective and cutting edge educational public outreach materials and activities such as animation shorts and educational trivia. This includes Carnegie Mellon students developing the materials and possible NASA internships. Since ICESat-2 won't be launched until 2016, the EPO partners are still under consideration.







Effectiveness and Impact

Evaluation findings and impact statements:

ICESat-2 launches in 2016; the E/PO evaluation plan is currently being developed.